We Provide Chiropractic,Massage,& Recovery from pains.
Infinity Wellness Chiropractic, Our Frisco Chiropractor focuses on maintaining health for people of all ages, helping patients pain,spine and prevent disease.
Have your muscles become tight and brittle with stress and anxiety? Does your head and back feel heavy with pain? Have you lost your youth-like agility? If you answer with a ‘yes’, we have the perfect remedy for you. Introducing to you the ‘Myofascial Release Therapy And Trigger Point Therapy’.
Myofascial tissue is a huge network of soft tissues. This keeps our body mobile by connecting the bones, muscles and joints. They contain a hyaluronic liquid that preserves the elasticity of our muscles so that we can move about freely. But when this liquid becomes jammed, clogged or thicker, it causes our muscles and bones to stiffen and our mobility becomes brittle
If you try to perform flexibility exercises to relieve the pain, you might end up complicating things further. That’s why you might need expert help to treat your pain. That’s where the need for myofascial release massage comes! The main motto of this massage is to increase the blood flow to these jammed areas which will also increase the fluidity of hyaluronic liquid that maintains this elasticity.
Myofascial release therapy: Is it that important?
Numerous disorders can be treated using the myofascial release and trigger point therapy, so of course it is a relevant medical therapy in a way! Here are some notable diseases you can treat with the myofascial release massage:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
TemporoMandibular Joint disorder
The Speciality Of Myofascial Release Massage- Trigger Point Therapy
You will be prescribed for sessions in a private room at the therapist’s chamber. Your provider will first First, they locate the tissues located everywhere in your body that are tight and brittle, and these tissues are marked as trigger points or knots. Then a gentle massage is done on these areas by exerting reasonable pressure and direct contact on your skin. No lubricant will be used because they want to assess the rigidity in your fascia. The pressure is slowly applied, stretching them repeatedly to elongate your fascial tissues. When they have released the tension in one area, they move on to the next area.
Massaging and stretching certain areas of the bodyTension release
CuppingNeedles are inserted at trigger points to release certain body fluids to reduce pressure
WandsFoam rollersShakers
How To Know if You Need Myofascial Release Therapy?
If you have the following symptoms over the past few days, you should try out the myofascial release therapy at least once:
Tight tissues that pulls your body uncomfortably, forcing you to overuse one shoulder or hip
Painful pressure on joints or muscles
Pain anywhere, like headache or back pain.
Myofascial Release- Detox Symptoms
While you are enjoying the luxury of myofascial release therapy, the detox symptoms will gradually manifest themselves as runny nose, sore skin, excessive release from the digestive system, nausea, sweat fatigue. Yes, these symptoms sound scary but no need to fret over it! This is our body’s way of showing that the toxins are being broken down and released. These symptoms last for 4 to 10 days after you have started taking the therapy. The faster, the better!
Myofascial Release- Benefits and Risks
Treating muscle soreness and pain, and healing damaged tissues
In rare cases, there may be some internal bleeding
Increased flexibility, mobility, agility
Temporary paralysis of certain body parts
Increased blood flow and oxygen circulation throughout the body
Nerve damage and bone fracture in rare cases
Reducing stress hormones and increasing relaxation
Sudden metabolic changes and fluctuations in blood pressure
Myofascial release therapy near me
Myofascial release therapy near me
It’s clear to you now if myofascial release treatment is necessary. You have access to Infinity Wellness Chiro. in texas Lisa Leggett, LMT, our registered therapist, will assist you.
What Are The Major Myofascial Therapy Treatment?
Myofascial Release- Lower Back
For reducing the stiffness of the back, the therapist will use their hands to apply minimal pressure.After that they will find myofascial areas near the spine that feel brittle. These stiff areas limit your back movements. Your shoulders and hips accumulate lactic acid quickly, because of lack of blood flow. So stretching your myofascia in this region can also release the jammed blood flow in these regions, and improve your overall health, since the back part comprises a huge part of your body.
Myofascial Release- Pelvic Floor
Myofascial release therapy is highlighted on specific locations in the body. In this section, we should know about the myofascial release therapy targeted at the pelvic floor.It is actually a system of connective tissues, muscles and ligaments below the pelvis. This system covers and protects our body’s major relief organs . It supports us during sex and childbirth too. So if you take myofascial release therapy to treat the tension on this pelvic floor, you can treat a number of major health problems like sexual disorders, chronic pain in the pelvis, urinary irritation and cystitis.
Why does myofascial pain Manifest?
Car accidentAftermath of surgeryInjury during sports
AnxietyChildhood traumaDepressionAnger issues
Poor postureLack of exerciseSmokingEating fast foods
The myofascial release therapy can be used to treat a number of ailments and upgrade your body to its full potential. It is a separate medical field by its own right! First, you consult with your therapist about your medical history, so that you can list down all your problems. Then your therapist will set up a personal plan for you, depending on the severity of your condition. Hand massage and muscle spasms are the core of this therapy. Needles and cupping are extras. The myofascial release therapy can also be combined with other forms of therapy like supplements or stretching exercises.
What is the main use of myofascial release therapy?
-This therapy helps to focus on specific regions in your body. It also helps to stiff and sore and uses hand massages to release the tightness of the muscles in that particular area. But no oil or lubricant is used like other types of massages.
Can myofascial release therapy treat back pain, pelvic pain, and head pain?
Yes. This therapy is as effective for critical conditions of the head, back, or pelvis, as other types of medical therapy.
What are the major risks of myofascial release therapy?
-The major risks like Internal bleeding, fracture and temporary paralysis are some of the rare side effects of this therapy.
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