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Chiro in Pregnancy


Pre-Natal / Post-Natal Adjusting

Chiropractic care during pregnancy and labor is very important for both the mother and the baby to stay healthy. “Entrainment” is the process by which the nervous system of one person affects the nervous system of another. So, the same chemical, physical, and mental stresses that make a pregnant woman feel bad affect her growing child. Because of this, the less subluxation the mother has, the better it is for her child’s development. Chiro in Pregnancy might be a good idea.


Chiropractic care can be helpful for pregnant women.

chiro for pregnant women

Chiro in pregnancy can offer various advantages to pregnant mothers. As the body undergoes significant changes, many women experience discomfort related to weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, and postural adjustments. Chiropractors trained in prenatal care can help alleviate common issues such as back pain, pelvic discomfort, and sciatica.

  • helps the pelvis get ready for a better pregnancy and birth by balancing the bones, muscles, and ligaments in the pelvis.
  • Back and neck pain during pregnancy can be eased by removing stresses from the spine and balancing the hips.
  • Removes tension on the ligaments that support the uterus thus reducing torsion (intrauterine constraint) to the women’s uterus.
  • It keeps the mother’s important nerve system from being harmed and helps all of her systems and functions work together.

  • Allows for a safer, easier labor and delivery for the mother and child.
  • Decreases the need for medical intervention during childbirth.
  • Reduces the length of labor.

Benefits of chiropractic care for the unborn child:

  • Removes interference to the mother’s nerve system allowing for unobstructed development of the baby.
  • Getting rid of the fetal constraint gives the baby room to grow without any limits on its developing skull, spine, and other bones.
  • It gives the baby room to move into the best position for birth.
  • When the fetus is in the right position, dystocia (difficult labor) and the possible birth trauma that comes from emergency assistance are much less likely to happen.

How can a chiropractor support me when I’m pregnant?


(Chiro in Pregnancy)

Pregnancy overtaxes previously undetected asymmetries in your pelvis and spine. The additional stress causes discomfort and makes it harder to go about your everyday routines. Pregnancy-related discomforts can be relieved, and in some cases prevented, with chiropractic therapy. At Infinity Wellness, we provide targeted adjustments to relieve spinal strains and realign your pelvis, leading to increased comfort and better quality of life.pregnant chiropractor.

The weight bearing down on a pregnant woman’s low back and sacrum is the main method that the developing baby might strain her body. The lumbar spine is subjected to extreme pressure from gravity’s pulling on the developing fetus, which may eventually cause the area’s spinal joints to fixate. Remember that fixated joints are called subluxations, and subluxations lead to decreased motion and pain.  Subluxations also lead to an increase in muscle spasms and inflammation.  But most ominously subluxations can irritate sensitive nerve tissue, which can lead to excruciating pain and disability.

During pregnancy, pain in the muscles and bones usually starts in the second trimester. Some pregnant women are told not to lie flat on their backs, or supine, once the baby starts to grow. The problem with doing so is that the weight of the baby can come down on the inferior vena cava (the main vein returning blood to the heart), cutting off the blood supply to the uterus.  This can ultimately compromise the pregnancy.

Because pregnant women can’t lie flat on their backs or bellies, they have to try to get comfy on their sides or in Fowler’s position, which is lying on their backs but at an angle.

Preparing for Labor and Delivery

One of the significant benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy is its potential to prepare the body for labor and delivery. Proper spinal and pelvic alignment can facilitate a smoother delivery by allowing the baby to move into the optimal position for birth.

Chiropractors trained in the Webster Technique, a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment, can help address pelvic misalignments and improve balance. This method is beneficial for pregnant women because it can make the birthing process more comfortable and quick.

Supporting Postpartum Recovery

The benefits of chiropractic care extend beyond pregnancy(chiro in pregnancy). For pregnant women, this method can help make the birthing process faster and more comfortable.

Postpartum chiropractic care can help with back pain, hip pain, and other problems that may come up after giving birth. As a result of working on spinal health, chiropractors can help new moms get stronger and more energetic again.

Finding the Right Chiropractor

Choosing the right chiropractor is essential for a positive experience with chiropractic care during pregnancy. Look for a chiropractor with experience and training in prenatal care. Many chiropractors specialize in working with pregnant women and have the expertise to provide safe and effective treatments.

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