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Headaches can be more intricate than many individuals understand. Various types come with distinct symptoms, arise from different causes, and require specific treatments. Identifying the type of headache you experience enables you and your healthcare provider to determine the most effective treatment options and explore preventive measures.

Common Headache Types

There are over 150 headache varieties, but here are some of the most prevalent:

**Tension Headaches**
Tension headaches rank as the most frequently experienced type among adults and teenagers. They typically cause mild to moderate discomfort that fluctuates over time, usually without accompanying symptoms.

**Migraine Headaches**

Migraines are often characterized by intense, throbbing pain that can persist for 4 hours up to 3 days, occurring one to four times monthly. In addition to pain, sufferers may experience sensitivity to light, sound, or odors; nausea or vomiting; reduced appetite; and stomach upset. Children experiencing migraines may appear pale and dizzy and may also have blurry vision, fever, or gastrointestinal distress. A small number of pediatric migraine cases involve digestive symptoms like vomiting occurring approximately once a month.

**Cluster Headaches**

These headaches are known for their extreme severity. Individuals may feel intense burning or stabbing pain around one eye that can be either throbbing or constant. The agony is often so severe that those affected find it difficult to remain still during an episode and may pace back and forth. Symptoms on the painful side include drooping eyelids, redness in the eye, constricted pupils, tearing from the eye, and nasal congestion or discharge. They are termed cluster headaches because they occur in groups—typically one to three times a day during a cluster phase lasting from two weeks to three months—with each attack lasting between 15 minutes to 3 hours. These headaches can disrupt sleep patterns as well and might vanish completely (a state known as remission) for extended periods before returning later on. Men have a three- to four-fold higher likelihood of experiencing them compared to women.

**Chronic Daily Headaches**

This category encompasses headache occurring 15 days or more per month for over three months. Some episodes are brief while others exceed four hours in duration. This type typically falls under one of four primary categories: chronic migraine, chronic tension headache, new daily persistent headache, or hemicrania continua.

**Sinus Headaches**

With sinus headache, individuals feel persistent pain deep within their cheekbones, forehead area, or along the bridge of their nose due to inflammation of sinus cavities in the head. This discomfort is usually accompanied by other sinus-related issues such as nasal congestion, ear fullness sensation, feverishness, and facial swelling. A genuine sinus headache arises from a sinus infection where nasal discharge appears yellow or green rather than clear—as seen in migraines or cluster headaches.

**Posttraumatic Headaches**

These types generally emerge two to three days following a head injury characterized by:
– A dull ache that intensifies intermittently
– Vertigo
– Lightheadedness
– Difficulty concentrating
– Memory challenges
– Rapid fatigue
– Increased irritability

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments focus on realigning the spine to alleviate pressure on nerves. Misalignments in the spine can contribute to tension and migraine headaches. By correcting these misalignments, chiropractors can help reduce headache frequency and intensity.

Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Chiropractors employ various muscle relaxation techniques, such as massage and trigger point therapy, to relieve muscle tension that contributes to headaches. These techniques can provide immediate relief and prevent future headaches.

Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice

Beyond adjustments, chiropractors offer valuable advice on improving your lifestyle and posture. Simple changes, like ergonomic adjustments to your workspace, can make a significant difference in preventing headaches.

Headache can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. If you’re tired of temporary relief and want to address the root cause of your headaches, Infinity Wellness Chiro offers a natural and effective solution.
For more information and to find a chiropractor near you, visit our website.
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